Devlog Terrible Wizards Week 05

The first test models in unreal imported without problems

We also tested ways of crafting spells, and decided on combining an element and cast type component. This will allow for simple and fast crafting by just selecting one item from two lists. With just 5 elements and 5 cast types it makes for 25 possible combinations, more may be added later. Cast types are the way in which the spell is applied, for example a beam, a projectile or a blast around the caster. They also have a modifier so that a projectile that hits one enemy is more example than a blast that could hit many. Elements define the actual effect that is applied to the target, arcane being the basic "deal damage" element. Fire deals damage over time, ice slows enemies down, lightning zaps nearby targets...

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Mar 11, 2020

Get Terrible Wizards

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