Devlog Terrible Wizards Week 04

This week we added local multiplayer (player 1 with keyboard and player 2 with gamepad 1)

We also tested basic movement with a single stick control. This would be the control scheme with a Joy-Con. As it turns out, aiming projectiles is a bit unintuitive, so we will push back Joy-Con support to an optional extra feature and focus on using twin stick controls.

Which kind of problems did I run into?

Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons stick axis isn't set correctly using the x360ce controller emulator we use. We will push back Joy-Con support to an optional extra feature.
Single thumb stick controls don't seem to work well for aiming. Twin stick controls will be our main focus.

What worked or didn’t work?

Setting character acceleration to a higher value improved responsiveness a lot, adding and removing players is as simple as calling a single blueprint function.

What is your plan for the next coming week?

In the coming week we will set up our backlog and start working on our project


Controller input test 111 MB
Feb 26, 2020
Local Multiplayer test 111 MB
Mar 04, 2020

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